One Step Away From Financial Freedom

Hey there, it's so nice to meet you!

My name is Kaja and I'm one half of a fun-loving couple, along with my partner Jose, who has a serious case of wanderlust. We love nothing more than packing our bags and exploring new places, trying out delicious local foods, and meeting interesting people from all walks of life.

A few years ago we've starved doing little road trips in campervans around Australia, and that's when we realized that we want to do that more often. Not just once a year for 2 weeks. We've noticed that we are "wasting" our time working "normal jobs" while we live in times when you can pretty much work without being stuck in one place and without actually going to work.

We've been watching our favourite Youtube channels of people who travel around the world, and that's their job! :O We always thought that those people are very lucky to live such wonderful lives, but We never thought we could be those people as we are not... social media kinda guys :)

Until we stumbled across Affiliate marketing, and that's when Kaja & Jose Affiliate Journey started.

A Bit Of Us

“You Are The Artist Of Your Own Life, Don't Hand The Paintbrush To Anyone Else”

We are here to tell you that YOU can change the future! No matter your age, gender, or economic situation. It is for everyone, whoever wants to FINALLY get their TIME back and enjoy life to the fullest! Have more time for your family, and have the ability to do the things you were always dreaming of.

We once were, where you are now. Feeling exhausted, overworked, and living from one paycheck to another. But one day we said, "Enough it's enough"! We got fed up of the "normal 8-5 work" and still not having enough money to follow our dreams, not to mention the lack of TIME to fully enjoy our lives.

Allow yourself to step out of your comfort zone, just like we did, and dive into this amazing digital world.

Click below to get FREE TRAINING that we used to create an income stream that rolls in without us needing to be present :)

Our Vision